MI Articles
A growing video list of articles intended to help with learning.
Motivational Interviewing Overviews
The Effectiveness and Applicability of Motivational Interviewing
A Review of 4 Meta-Analysis of MI presented in a concise and easy to read format (Lundahl & Burke, 2009).
Motivational Interviewing: What's New in Edition 3
A good overview of changes made to MI 3.0 (Mee-Lee, 2013).
Glossary of Motivational Interviewing Terms
(Miller & Rollnick, 2013)
Taking the Lower Place: Motivational Interviewing and Social
Dr. Miller explores how evolution and social dominance may connect with MI "Power yielding style of accurate empathy" is discussed (Miller, 2017).
A Bibliography of Motivational Interviewing
Christopher McLouth
MI with Other Modalities
Facilitating Change: Combining Motivational Interviewing and Dialectical Behavior Therapy
An exploration of combining MI and DBT
(Smith, Arora & Hollenbaugh, 2013)