MSC Tools
A growing list of tools intended to help with MSC learning.
Compassion Focused Therapy Materials
Training Our Minds In, With, and For Compassion: An Introduction to Concepts and Compassion-Focused Exercises
Free CFT Manual written by Dr. Gilbert.
CFT Worksheets
A list of worksheets hosted by Psychology Tools website.
MSC Overviews
MSC Resources
A 3-page guide to articles, books, websites and tools available to learn MSC
Compassion Scales
Online Self Compassion Self Test
Neff’s full 26 question survey online
An abbreviated version of Neff’s scale in PDF form
Compassion Motivation and Action Scale Article
Steindl et. al.’s article about the CMAS
Compassion Motivation and Action Scale
A PDF version of Steindl et. al.’s CMAS
Mindful Self Compassion Websites
Self-Compassion With Kristen Neff
Kristen Neff’s website with many MSC resources
Center for Mindful Self-Compassion
The hub for MSC trainers and learners.